
writing, illustration & graphic design

How the Internet Really Works is an illustrated introduction to the technical side of the internet. The book is currently published in six different languages.
concept, text & illustration

I researched, wrote, illustrated and designed a poster in tabloid format explaining how the Tor network works.
photo of Ulrike Uhlig with a paper mask showing a cat face

About Ulrike Uhlig

For many years, I've been hiding behind a keyboard and screen where I was babysitting machines and feeding them code. I currently focus on illustration and graphic design which I consider to be a work of translation of complex ideas and concepts into tangible, visual products.

Past work. From 2014 to 2019 I worked on the Linux based operating systems Tails—known to have provided anonymity to the journalists working with Edward Snowden. As one of less than 30 female Debian Developers on this planet I contributed to Debian GNU/Linux for 7 years, and was a co-founder of the privacy software packaging team in Debian. For more than 5 years, I assisted the pan-African MAMA (Mobilizing Activists for Medical Abortion) Network with Holistic Security. Since 2014, I work on projects with ARTICLE19's Team Digital, illustrating research about internet standards.

Illustrated books. The first book I worked on has been published in 6 countries and languages. The second book is still in the works.

Bio. I was born in East Berlin/Germany and grew up in the GDR. I first learnt about privacy and security as a kid when my mother was hiding presents from West Germany in her bed drawer. I lived in France for more than 15 years where I studied Visual and Contemporary Arts, Arts and Image Technologies, and photography at Université Paris 8 and graduated with a Master of Arts in 2005. I'm fluent in German, French, and English.

Contact. u [AT] OpenPGP. EDE3 F444 3F34 D261 9514 D790 B14B B0C3 8D86 1CF1

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